Wednesday 10 October 2012

The Lims Miss Cityview

Some of you know what's coming .. for the rest ... Get your Kleenex Boxes Handy ...

Oh What a Very Dark Day until Love lit a Match

July 21st, 2007 was the saddest day in the lives of the Lims. For those of you who don't know ... Kenny (Dada Bear to his 3 little mice and Soul Mate to Mama Bear) lost his life rescuing D-Y (Boy warrior in this tale). The Lim family went on a Cross-Canada camping trip and were on the way home. Stopping at Rainbow Falls, Ontario for an overnight. What a lovely name for a campsite and for such tragedy to strike. Mama & Malika did laundry and D-Y, Akita and Kenny played in the currents in Lake Superior. Somehow D-Y got caught in an undertow and Kenny went in after him. D-Y was pulled from the Lake by a Stranger and Kenny drowned. Many people, even complete strangers helped the remaining Lim family escape Ontario, including Kenny's two brothers, Randy (Developer/Contractor of Million Dollar buildings) and Donald (all around fantastic guy). How would we go on ?? It was the darkest day when Mama and her three mice arrived at the Vancouver Airport. As we exited the plane into the baggage area ... Love surrounded and supported us. 19 people from Cityview Baptist Church were there to greet us. Ignoring the "stay behind the barriers" signs ... they surrounded our small family and Mama felt the embers of her soul re-light while she was transported back home. These loving people carried us through the next few weeks, and months ... feeding us ... contacting others for us and arranging the biggest Memorial service our church had ever seen. Kenny was loved and the Love of the Cityview People and our Lord spilled over and overflowed our souls. That is not to leave out the other friends and family who came over and just sort of "stayed close". Some having known Cynthia for many years ... helped her out of bed each day, supported her in every way, and just plain held her when she cried. We believe Kenny is in Heaven with those others we have misplaced along the way. We see him in every mixed up colourful sunset and we hear him with every Guitar playing. Mama and her three (Not so little anymore) Mice thank you Cityview and friends for all your support and Love. Kenny will still be loved and will Never be Forgotten.

Okay Now You Know ...

Since Moving to Abbotsford ... the Lims have wanted to find a church to call home ... we know we won't find a "Cityview" but one where we can be comfortable would be nice. We may not be the most fashionable family ... well except for Malika that is. So we wanted to find a church who would accept us as we are. We had driven by a smaller church building on Gladwin St. in Matsqui area. I won't name the church, but some of you will know the one I mean. We planned to visit it the next Sunday. When Sunday arrived Mama threw a very sleepy D-Y in the car and off we went to Akita's Riding lesson. Finishing up earlier than usual we hurried off to the 10:30 am service. Pulling up in the parking lot we noticed right away how the families were dressed ... Boys, even little boys had on button up shirts, and some even had ties and bow ties. Girls, were dressed in skirts and dresses without exception. Mama heard her Mother in her head as she walked forward to the front stairs "you can wear a gunny sack to a formal ball as long as you have the right attitude". Well with "attitude" we entered the church building. First off Akita went in search of the ladies room, and D-Y in search of the men's room. Mama turned around as she heard someone say "Cynthia ... is that you?" How had my reputation already proceeded me? Towards me came a lovely looking lady followed by 6 well dressed and well-mannered young girls walking in pairs. "I should know you" was all Mama could say. The Lady explained that she was the wife of the Pastor of David's church. David is Mama's brother (writer of Sci Fi novels, husband of Laura, and father of two lovely daughters). Just then the pastor showed up with a well dressed young son in tow. Introductions were made or re-made and they told us that they were on holidays, and always loved to visit this church. David had mentioned that we were looking for a Baptist Church in Abbotsford ... so she had kept an eye open for us. Akita arrived and a woman followed her with 2 girls around Akita's age. The woman apologised to me, and said she had complemented Akita on her riding breeches, because her daughter used to ride too. I guess she thought she had offended Akita by mentioning that she was wearing "pants" to church. She obviously didn't know Akita. We found a pew in the back row and waited for D-Y to arrive. The service had just started when D-Y kind of slunk in and ducked down into the row. He sat sort of scrunched down so that his back was not showing. Mama whispered for him to sit up, which he did for about a minute and then hunched back down. The Sermon was kinda of "three points and a poem" as Mama's Dad would say. Mama's Dad is a retired Baptist Minister (82 years old and full of life). After the service the pastor greeted us at the door and off we went to the car. Mama asked someone what version of the Bible they used "King James Version". It was then that Mama and Akita learned the reason for D-Y's strange sitting actions ... The back of D-Y's T-Shirt was a gecko that said "Bite Me". Oh well ... this is who we are and we did not feel "the comfort zone" in this nice ... maybe a little "too nice" Church.

Off to Try Another Version ...

After meeting Tracey (super terrific storyteller), D-Y liked her immediately. We had lunch with Tracey and her Mother one Sunday afternoon shortly after moving to Abbotsford. Tracey told us that her church had a 5pm Saturday Mass. Just because we are not really morning people ... well except for Akita ... we decided to give it a try. Mama texted Tracey and Allison (super fantastic Spa Lady) and asked if they would meet us at the Catholic Church. A friend was staying with us and so was Malika the following Friday night. They said they would love to try out the Mass with us ... so off we went on the Saturday afternoon. The parking lot was very busy as the church was just wrapping up their community fair. There was Tracey though, Happily saving us a spot in the lot. Into the building we went ... all six of us ... looking like a bunch of storm troopers. We found a row and filled it. Tracey leaned over past all the kids and whispered "your Cheat Sheet" while waving a laminated card in our direction. We pulled out our cards from the front pocket of our pews. I explained to the kids to just follow along as well as we could ... sit when they sit ... stand when they stand. We followed our "Cue Cards" and Mama even noticed that the woman beside her had a whole book of "Cues". Mama thought to herself "If I come back here ... I am getting one of those". The sermon was interesting as the Priest had just returned from a "Pilgrimage" and he used lots of humour when speaking. The Lim Family followed along as well as we could, Mama was worried if she kneeled ... she might not get back up. After the mass, we were invited to an international dinner ... $2 per country with many countries represented ... Ukraine had perogies ... Mexico had burritos and D-Y and Mama fell in love with the Sudanese Doughnut Holes. Alison, her husband, Brian (a Scotsman who Rrrolls his Rrr's still), and their son Decklan (hope I spelled that right) joined us at our dinner table. Brian told us it was "his penance" to have to talk with an accent. The kids enjoyed trying all the different foods, and the adults chatted happily (Never a dull moment at our table ... we even had a lovely Nun join us for a bit). All too soon ... it was time for home. Mama thanked Alison and Tracey for "dinner and a show" and we vowed to return again soon. Though we had enjoyed ourselves immensely .. we still hadn't found the "right spark". Our quest continues and so does our tale ....

Thanks for reading and Welcome to our Barns,
The Lims

1 comment:

  1. what a touching story
    it brought tears to my eyes, betty
